We're very happy to welcome you as a new user to Lifesum, one of the world’s most successful health apps with over 60 million registered users! Lifesum will help you forge good habits for an improved overall quality of life and a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Simply download the app, tell us the most important health details about yourself and we'll create a personalised account to help you achieve your goal!
This article will explain you:
- The different sections in the app
- The app’s basic functions
- How to create your profile
- How to get started with your goal
Lifesum with all its features is available on three platforms:
- App Store (phone app + widget, Apple watch app)
- GooglePlay (phone app + widget, WearOS App)
- Samsung Galaxy (phone app + widget, Samsung watch app)
What can I use Lifesum for?
Lifesum helps you make better food choices, and reach your health goals. Build healthy habits in small, sustainable steps and make health a part of your lifestyle.
Here a list of the most important functions in the Lifesum app:
- tracking food intake and gaining insights on how to make healthier choices
- tracking water/fluid consumption
- tracking exercise
- tracking weight and measurements
- getting support with e.g. Life Score™, food rating, meal plans, recipes, reminders and notifications for tracking and feedback
Good to know:
The app is automatically calculating your calorie goal based on your personal details entered and goal chosen - you do not have to calculate anything yourself. The calorie goal already includes your daily movements (sitting, standing, sleeping etc). Any active exercise above that is calculated separately and you have the option to decide if you want to include the burned calories into the calorie goal or not by using "Exclude exercise calories" (iOS / Android)
The main sections of the app
- Diary
- Me/Profile
- Settings
- Plans
- Recipes
What do the different sections offer?
The diary is the start page of the app where you land as soon as you have gone through the onboarding process and have created an account. You will automatically start the app being on the Lifesum Standard - a basic Diet that is available for free and Premium users.
Top section:
This page starts with the information on what Program or Meal Plan you have currently selected. You can change plans as a Premium user any time by going to the Programs section.
You then see the Life Circle section showing you:
- left: calores consumed
- middle: calories still left to sonsume
- right: calories burned
Underneath you see information about the macros carbs, protein, fat - teh numbers are indicating how much you have left to consume.
Directly above protein you see a litte white arrow next to "See stats" - clicking on it will give you the follwoing options / details:
Top left you see an icon with a notepad and pen - here you can jot down notes, e.g. keep tracking of anything that was important for that day. Clicking on it opens a separate window where you can enter free text:
Underneath yo see the Daily progress with your calorie goal.

But back to the main Diary:
Under the arrow you see the current date/calendar - swipe over it with your finger or click on the arrows left and right to change day/date. Click on it for detailed view.
Underneath the calendar section you will find the different meal sections and the exercise section:
The idea here is to track all meals in the respective meal section - no matter how many of these you usually eat. If you e.g. eat several snacks, please track all of them in the snack section.
You will also find a section called Life Score™ in the Diary:
When you start using the app you will be asked to answer a test with questions that will then define your initial Lifes Score. After having tracked for a while the score will then be based on your tracking habits.
And then there are your habit trackers:
Water (daily reset)
Vegetable (daily reset)
Fruit (daily reset)
Seafood (weekly reset)
All these trackers are independent, meaning that they are not reacting to anything tracked in the meal sections and the meal sections do not automatically get updated by the habit trackers. You can decide in Settings / Diary Settings which of the trackers you would like to see listed in your Diary.
In this section you will get access to your Profile & Settings by clicking on the profile icon (iOS / Android) in the top right corner of the Diary or Progress screen. Here you get help to personalize your app experience.
Here is the Profile view:
Here you get some quick links to some of the most commonly used settings in the app such as:
- Personal Details
- Adjust macronutrients
- Adjust calories
- Dietary needs & preferences
- Water habits
And here is an overview of the Settings which you can access from your Profile:
In the settings section you can e.g.:
... and many more options sto personalize your app experience
Underneath you find the following sections:
Favorites (iOS / Android) > here you can create own food, recipes, meals and exercises!
Body (measurements) > here you can update any measurements
Statistics > here you will find an overview about calorie, nutrition and water intake, as well as exercise
In this section you find all Programs and Meal Plans you can choose from as a Premium user.
The section is divided into:
Meal Plans
Balanced Programs
Keto and Fasting Programs
At the bottom of the page you find a quiz helping you to find the Program or Meal Plan most suitable to your needs.
This section is offering a wide selection of recipes and can be filtered after your needs. The choice of recipes is depending on the Diet you have currently chosen.