All users will receive a pop-up in the app explaining that they need to approve how we use their data. This message is displayed to both Freemium and Premium users, but it is only relevant for Freemium users.

How can I deny all Data Consents? 

  • Go to Account Settings -> Data Consents  and press "Deny All". This will remove all previously given consents.

What changes can I make under Account Settings?

Under Account Settings, you will find a new toggle called “Data Consents”. Here, there are two sub-categories: “Purposes” and “Vendors.”

  • Purposes: This setting allows you to choose if you want the ads shown in the app to be personalized or random. If you turn off all options under Purposes, the ads will be random and not personalized.
  • Vendors: If you have some settings turned on under Purposes, you can manage specific vendors under the Vendors tab. You can toggle off specific vendors if you prefer.

What happens if I turn off all settings under Purposes?

If you turn off all settings under Purposes, the ads shown for you in the app will not be personalized.

If you have turned everything off here you do not need to worry about the vendors listed under the list of Vendors.

How do I manage my data consent settings?

  1. Go to Account Settings.
  2. Find and select the “Data Consents” toggle.
  3. Under the “Purposes” tab, decide if you want personalized or non personalized ads.
  4. If some or all settings are turned on under Purposes, go to the “Vendors” tab to manage specific vendors.

Our support team is available to assist with any questions or concerns regarding these settings.