If you purchased Premium but cannot access the Premium features in the app, please start with the following steps:

- Go to Profile in the app
- Click on the Settings icon
- Scroll down to Restore Purchase
Click on the restore purchase option
Also note that it can take a couple of minutes for the subscription to get activated on your account, so please wait a few minutes after the purchase before taking any further actions. 
If the above doesn't help, the following reasons could be the cause:
  • You’ve purchased your subscription on another Lifesum account. When you purchase the subscription you have to be logged into the correct Lifesum account.

  • You’ve logged out from the Lifesum account before your payment was accepted. 

  • You’ve bought the Premium membership with an AppleID that has already been used for purchasing Premium on another Lifesum account. Please note that one AppleID can be assigned only to one Lifesum account.
  • You have bought Premium using an account without a connected email and then started using a new phone and tried to access the old account.


In all of these cases, please contact us with the following:

  • A copy of the receipt (you automatically get a receipt via email from the chosen payment platform - if you cannot find any you can also go into the purchase history of App Store or GooglePlay). We need to see date, sum, currency, and subscription model.

  • Make sure you send us the email address registered under Settings -> Account Settings in the Lifesum app so we can upgrade the correct account