Here you can find all the information you need to know about the Recipes that you can find in Lifesum.
Are all the recipes available under all Programs and Meal Plans? 
At the moment every Program and Meal Plan has allocated recipes - that means that if you change the Program you are on you will not see the same recipes as in the previous Program.
A workaround to get around this is to save any recipe of your choice to Favorites when you are on a Program - then you will still have access to the content through Favorites when changing to another Program.
When it comes to Meal Plan recipes you would first need to track the recipe and open it again from your Diary view in order to save it to your Favorites. 
Where in the app can I find Recipes? 
Currently, you have the following options with recipe content in the app:
  • You can create your own recipes under Progress -> Favorites -> Recipes:
    • You can either just scroll through the existing list or use the option to put the recipes in an alphabetical order by using the option provided

  • As a Premium user you can browse Lifesum recipes in the Recipes section in the bottom bar of the app.
    • Search the recipes by entering key words in the search field on top of the recipe section (the search will browse recipe titles and tags).
    • Filter the recipes by using the existing filter options provided next to the search bar.

On top of that we are regularly posting recipe ideas on our Facebook page and Instagram.

  • As a Premium user you have access to recipes in the meal plans.
    • Get suggested recipes as soon as you activate a Meal Plan.

  • You find many additional recipes on our blog. Which can be found under Settings -> Lifesum Blogg in the app.