If you want to sync your exercises tracked via Google Fit to Lifesum, you can do so with the help of Google's own tool: Health Connect. Here is how it works:
  • Before you try the following steps, make sure you have both Google Fit and Health Connect installed and updated on your device.

Connect Lifesum to Health Connnect: 

1. Go to Settings -> "Automatic Tracking" in the Lifesum app. 
2. Select the Health Connect option shown up top and follow the instructions.

Connect Google Fit to Health Connect:  
Note that these instructions come from Google. For further context, please read more here.

  1. Open Google Fit.
  2. Tap Profile -> Settings -> Under 'Health Connect' settings, tap Manage data and access -> Connected apps.
  3. Manage connected apps in Health Connect.

Now you are all set and connected to Google Fit via Health Connect!

What exercises are possible to import/export to/from Health Connect? 


  • Exercises

  • Total calories burned

  • Steps tracked


  • Nutrition (tracked food)

  • Hydration (tracked water)