If you would like to see all prices for the Premium membership, please click on the information in the icon for Premium. You can also find the prices here: https://lifesum.com/upgrade

Currently, Lifesum accepts the following payment methods:

- Paypal (through https://lifesum.com/upgrade)
- Credit card (through https://lifesum.com/upgrade)
- App Store
- GooglePlay
- Samsung

In case you do not want to pay with a credit card:
Please follow these instructions

Note: Lifesum doesn’t save or handle in any way your credit card information. Please, note that if you purchase a Premium membership, you’ll turn on the auto-renewing subscription, which means that you’ll be charged again on the renewal day. If you want to cancel the auto renewal, please follow the instructions you find here in the FAQ. 

- All Premium memberships are the same/include the same functionality - no matter what platform you purchase it on

- A Premium membership is not dependant on the platform. This means that you can use Premium purchased via App Store, on an Android phone. You just need to make sure to log into the account you initially purchased Premium with.