Note! Since March 2024 it is no longer possible to connect Lifesum to Google Fit directly. But don't worry, there is still a way! 

Before you try the following steps, make sure you have both Google Fit and Health Connect installed on your device.

Connect Lifesum to Health Connnect: 

1. Go to Settings -> "Automatic Tracking" in the Lifesum app. 

2. Select the Health Connect option shown up top and follow the instructions. 

Connect Google Fit to Health Connect:  
Note that these instructions come from Google. For further context, please read more here.

  1. Open Google Fit.

  2. Tap Profile  and then Settings Settings and then Under 'Health Connect' settings, tap Manage data and access and then Connected apps.

  3. Manage connected apps in Health Connect.

Now you are all set and connected to Google Fit via Health Connect!