How to share your tracked meals from your Diary with other users of the Lifesum app.
  1. In order to share an already tracked meal from your Diary, please go to the meal section you would like to share(breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) and click on it.

  2. Click on the share icon in the top right corner. 

  3. Choose between "Share with friend" or "Share on social".
  4. The next page will show you a preview of the meal you are about to share . Here you will also be able to select which items to share.

  5. On the next page you get to choose how to send/publish the meal. You get to choose from Messages, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. 
  1. Click on the message/link received.

  2. You will then get a meal preview where you can select which items to track and under which meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) to track it under. 

  3. In order to track the meal, click Add food.

  4. The meal has been tracked in your Diary.


Note that it is currently not possible to share Recipes with other users.